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Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and Reproductive Health

These trends have led to our priority sexual and reproductive health areas, including maternal health, family planning, prevention of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, young people’s access to sexual reproductive health information and services, and female genital mutilation. 

We are committed to renewing and intensifying advocacy and policy dialogue for maternal health and health financing with high-level policy makers. We seek to strengthen health systems to improve access to quality maternal health services. This includes the provision of equipment and capacity building through training, supervision and mentoring, especially of midwives; and developing curricula, guidelines and standards to improve newborn care and  emergency obstetric care to prevent maternal deaths and obstetric fistula, and to increase the availability of treatment for obstetric fistula.

We are equally committed to supplying reproductive health commodities and other life-saving medicines, and providing community-based information and services so that more women and men have access to family planning and other reproductive health services. We support comprehensive sexuality education for young people to prevent child marriages, unwanted teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions, HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections.

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09 March 2025

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