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Gender and Vulnerability Analysis – Peace Building and Conflict prevention Programme - Mulanje and Mangochi

Gender and Vulnerability Analysis – Peace Building and Conflict prevention Programme - Mulanje and Mangochi

Lilongwe, Malawi



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Under the direct supervision of Gender Specialist with overall supervision of the Deputy Representative, the consultant will work closely with both the Gender Team, Youth and the SRH Team of UNFPA Country Office in Malawi.


More specifically, the consultant will undertake a participatory peace and security gender analysis in selected Traditional Authorities in Mangochi and Mulanje districts to address to the following issues:


  1. Identify how men, women and youth from different backgrounds differently contribute to peace and security and women’s participation in peacebuilding processes in the boarder districts.
  2. identify the gendered drivers of conflicts, peace and security in the boarder communities.
  3. Identify and assess possible opportunities for UNFPA, UN Agencies, partner government ministries and all the SDG – AF partners to support gender responsive conflict mitigation, peace and security building.
  4.  Provide recommendations which can be applied to future policy formulations including relevant policy and institutional frameworks that can be put in place to build peace and security which prevent conflict and reduce gender inequalities the affects women more.


  • Production of Inception report including a presentation of the consultant’s understanding of the TOR and the assignment in general
  • Detailed methodology with emphasis on quality assurance. The consultant should present a systems and gender analysis approach
  • Detailed work n which includes detailed consideration of research ethics in relation to peace, security, conflict and gender sensitivity
  • Literature review on a contextualization of gender, conflict, peace and security including how men, women and youth are differently affected.
  • Draft report prepared and shared in soft copy for validation and feedback.
  • Final report with comments duly incorporated and addressed submitted

The geographical study areas are TAs Mabuka, Tombondiya, Njema and Sunganinzeru in Mulanje and TAs Makanjira, Lulanga, Katuli, Jalasi and Bwananyambi in Mangochi.