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Terms of reference for consultant to produce second MDR biennial analytical report

Terms of reference for consultant to produce second MDR biennial analytical report


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Malawi has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world, currently estimated at 675/100,000 (MDHS 2010) and 574/100,000 (MDG Endline report 2014). While significant progress has been made in reducing this high MMR, the acceleration has been slow and hence Malawi did not meet the MDG target of 155/100,000 by 2015. The lifetime risk of a woman dying due to a pregnancy related cause is estimated at 1:34, one of the highest globally.  Some of the underlying causes of the high maternal death include early childbearing, the high fertility rate and poor quality of health services. The first five common causes of maternal deaths in Malawi include Anaemia, Malaria, Obstetric haemorhages, Eclampsia and Sepsis. However, a review of maternal deaths in Malawi (2008-2012) showed that most of the deaths are avoidable.

In the light of the above, the NCCEMD and Reproductive Health Department of the MoH is seeking to engage a local consultant to support the production of the second analytical bi-ennial MDR report utilizing analyzed maternal deaths (MDA 2) data covering the period July 2012 to 30th September 2014.
The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Chairperson of the NCCEMD, the Director, MOH-RHD and the UNFPA Malawi Resident Representative.

The overall goal of the consultancy is to support the Government of Malawi in producing the second analytic report on maternal deaths in the country that will inform decisions aimed at improving the quality of maternal health care for women and their new born