Shakira shares her experience during a safe space session while her mentor listens ©UNFPA/Malawi/2024
At first glance, 12-year-old Shakira Levison wasn't sure about joining the safe space. "I didn’t know what to expect and was a bit shy," she confesses. But curiosity sparked by a friend's enthusiasm nudged her to take the leap.
A mentor narrates the story of Tiwonge during a field visit. ©UNFPA/Malawi/ 2023
Tiwonge's (not real name) world was shattered when her sister handed her over as a 'gift' to her husband, thrusting her into a marriage she never consented to. Forced into a reality she couldn't comprehend, Tiwonge's innocence became a casualty of her sister's desperation.
Atupele is still using some of the items from the dignity kit five months after the disaster ©UNFPA/Malawi/2024
Nkhotakota, Malawi – Early one February morning in 2024, 21-year-old Atupele Nyamula and her twin sister Shanil from Nyanji village set out to visit friends in the flood-ravaged lower parts of their community, to offer help amid the devastation caused by prolonged heavy rains.

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